Relationships are a significant part of human lives. Whether they're platonic, romantic, family, or just acquaintances. They're what connect all forms of life. As much as everyone wants to have that perfect relationship, life only has so much to offer. But the best way to go about it is to find someone you can tolerate and build a good life with.
Before we analyze the dynamics of a healthy relationship, it’s vital to note that relationship dynamics are quite challenging to know, and they could be quite broad when it comes to finding the right words to discuss them. Nonetheless, predictable communication patterns of interaction between a couple are what I can best describe it.
Also, healthy relationships involve a combination of negatives and positives, but what makes them successful is that the couples involved can manage each other's flaws and accept the significant other's success. It depends on the teams involved and how healthy they want their relationship to be.
Many relationship dynamics define the growth, nature, and sustainability of a relationship. Want to know about them? Keep reading to learn 37 dynamics that make a healthy relationship.
Table of Contents
Avoidance is a relationship dynamic that has to do with a person's reluctance to address an issue directly with their partner. They instead try to use passive-aggressive ways to handle things or pretend everything is fine without saying a word. Avoiding problems in a relationship could affect the dynamics negatively.
It's best to prevent this from happening if you want to enjoy a healthy relationship in the long run. What it does is gradually create tension and unavoidable distance between couples if not appropriately managed. Some couples find a way to prevent this.
Every partner should take some time and find a way to understand the other's personality. It's a vital dynamic and goes a long way to show how much they're willing to make things work between them. Understanding your partner doesn't happen overnight. It's a gradual process that needs time to create a connection between the couple.
Everyone has a unique character, partners included, but it's not easy to determine how to relate with them, especially if you're getting to meet them. Understanding is a dynamic that makes a good relationship.
It's a feeling one partner has when they think the other partner is trying to control the way things should be in their relationship. Nobody should feel this way with their partner, but if you do, it's good to let them know you feel dominated by their words or actions.
Dominance is a sign of inflexibility. It makes the other partner submissive and could cause a power imbalance. It's a positive thing for some couples that brings attraction and improves compatibility, but it brings fear and disrespect to others.
Commitment in a relationship brings harmony. It gives no room for trust issues and allows concentration on other aspects of the relationship. Commitment tells the kind of energy you put in and how well it will thrive, either positively or negatively.
When two partners commit to each other, they tend to have mutual agreements and understanding in the most challenging situations. Sometimes, they could handle things more manageable than other couples that do not commit to one another. It's a fundamental relationship dynamic that puts things in the right place when embraced.
Self-confidence has to do with the level of confidence one has in his/herself. If you're bold about your decisions and who you are, it automatically rubs off in your relationship. Being confident helps to boost your partner's self-esteem without you knowing. There's this level of boldness that boosts the confidence of the other partner when they know how secure their partner is.
It makes them feel like they're not alone. Self-confidence shows you're calm enough to listen to someone else's opinion without imposing yours on them. It opposes the play of power and ego.
Interaction has to do with couples talking to each other like excellent friends. When two partners are together, they should be about to tell each other stories of how their day went, the kind of experiences they had, funny moments at work, of how they handle a particular business transaction with someone.
It is relaxed and could happen at any time; while driving when one partner is in the bathroom, or you could comment about a movie’s storyline together. Sometimes taking walks together also brings up casual conversations like this.
Consistency is one of the dynamics that lacks in most relationships. When you're attracted to someone and trying to make them know how you feel and how much you love them, you put in so much effort to exhibit an excellent personality to them. But that energy reduces when you eventually get to be with them.
A good relationship should maintain that consistency. Partners should continue to praise one another and get them gifts when necessary. Compliments should continue as they used to be before your relationship. Your partner should still be attractive as he was when you met, and this should come naturally.
Healthy relationships don't suffer power imbalance. Just like there's an equal amount of giving and taking, there should be a balanced use of power. Most couples feel power imbalance is a negative thing, but sometimes, it comes out positive too.
For instance, when one of the two partners involved is in love with the use of power, the other partner who does not love power complements them with little or no use of it. But on the contrary, there should be a mutual understanding between them when they should exercise their power or control.
The ability to express how you feel without holding back, listening to your partner express his feelings, without making each other feel unheard or judged. Communication doesn't have to be when you both agree on something.
You could disagree and still communicate amicably with your partner as long as one partner doesn't feel unsafe in the relationship. You could get to know the reason behind your partner's behavior to a particular thing. Communication opens ways for mini therapy sessions for couples and helps to see if they can continue their lives together or not.
It's simple—lack of emotional connection. Relationship dynamics like this come up when couples have distant feelings for each other. When partners have a disconnect from one another, it could be due to expectations that have been ignored or not fulfilled, lack of time spent together, or boredom from doing routine activities.
Sometimes, it could be a shift of attention from the other partner to a random person out of the relationship. When partners don't relate or talk to one another, there's bound to be an emotional disconnection between them.
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Accepting your partner for who and what they are is of the numerous relationship dynamics for partners. Healthy relationships involve people who learn to embrace their partner’s behavior, flaws, lives, needs, and personality, whether they change over time or not.
Accepting your partner means you have to be ready to change if need be to smooth the process. It will help if you are willing to let go of some things, unlearn and learn to help each other grow. Readjust your thoughts and control how you react to certain things he does or says.
Codependency is one of the relationship dynamics without emotional and physical boundaries. In relationships, partners unconsciously get used to one another and their ways of individually solving each other's problems. Codependency mostly affects one partner, and it could take different forms.
For instance, putting your partner's issues before yours or trying to take care of your partner's needs at the expense of not caring about yours. It could also be losing touch with the independent side of you or solving something you should solve with your partner alone because you don't want him to get hurt in the process.
Respect is a partner's ability to respect the other partner's space, boundaries, or decision, especially when it has to do with their well-being. It reduces conflict tendencies and brings peace, no matter the level or stage of the relationship.
It's a dynamic that instills submission from the respected partner without a second thought. Being respected in a relationship opens more grounds for adjustments and flexibility. On the contrary, lack of respect causes conflict due to a clash of imposing opinions and is not healthy for a good relationship.
Cohabitation is one of the relationship dynamics that have to do with partners that stay in the same house. In relationships, there comes a time where partners decide to live together, and it could be at any time, whenever they both decide to move in.
They choose for specific reasons; financial reasons, understanding each other more, proximity, or ready to take it to the next level. Whatever the reason may be, it helps relationships grow faster and better depending on the partners involved. It sometimes cancels certain flaws completely.
Good relationships have honesty as one of the best things that make them work. It's one of those relationship dynamics that make partners feel worthy of being with the people they love.
Honesty builds more trust and strengthens the bond between the two partners. When relationships fail, it's due to unnecessary lies or secrets because of fear of losing a dear one. But it's better to be open to tell your partner what you think he needs to know if it will affect your relationship with him.
Love makes all things beautiful. Without it, there would be no relationship of any sort. It's like the highest of all relationship dynamics there is. No two partners can survive each other if there's no love. It keeps relationships moving in the right direction. And with this, exercising power becomes useless.
Love brings everything together, opens ways for partners to consider different relationship dynamics, and makes it easy for incompatible partners to be compatible. Relationships that are built primarily on the love between two partners last for the most prolonged time.
Assertiveness is one of the relationship dynamics that have to do with your ability to express your thoughts, feelings, and actions to your partner. It's a little bit more than self-confidence, and it has to do with how you relate with your partner directly. You should be able to honestly tell your partner exactly what you want without holding back but with respect.
It shows how open you are to your partner and lets them know what to do to fulfill your needs. Assertiveness helps relationships grow faster with partners learning to understand one another better.
The amount and quality of time spent together in a relationship does matter. Partners must create time to interact and do things together. It does not matter what you do in that period; read, laugh about funny events, go on long walks, or stay quiet in the same room. Most times, partners get so busy that they get lost in everyday lives; work or taking care of kids.
In healthy relationships, spending time together makes you remember why you got together with your partner, strengthens your bond, brings back good memories, and reignites your vulnerability.
You’d be surprised how far physical touch can take relationships. Every partner has their favorite way of expressing love through physical contact; hugging, kissing, cuddling, pecking, etc. It’s okay to do at least one of those physical touches every day. It is advisable for all relationships as it improves romance.
Forgetting to hug or kiss your partner in a relationship could make them feel unloved or unattractive. It reduces the passion and could cause little fights or arguments. Physical touch reduces stress and makes partners feel at ease in their relationship.
Depending on the level of a relationship, there should be a close intimate bond. It may not be sex because not all partners are comfortable having sex in many relationships. It could be foreplay or any other kind of intimacy the partners are used to doing.
Healthy relationships are relationships with partners that are comfortable engaging in sexual or intimate activities that they both agree to do. This act means that neither of them does anything out of their comfort zone or their partner’s consent. Anything contrary to this is not a good dynamic in a relationship.
In all good relationships, every partner should be happy personally to avoid being dependent on the other. Your partner should mostly compliment your happiness and not be responsible for the majority of it. To make your relationship healthy, you try focusing on the things that make you smile and feel comfortable in your skin.
You could try listening to your kind of music, taking tutorials, or hanging out with friends. Your happiness should rub off on your partner. Personal joy goes a long way to improving relationships because the two partners would only have their relationship issues to solve.
Every partner should be one of each other’s top priorities. Of course, they have the power to concentrate on their personal affairs, but it makes a relationship more beautiful when they have each other’s attention. Making your partner one of your priorities makes them feel important and loved.
It also encourages them to grow in all aspects as your suggestions or guidance would play a significant role. Furthermore, you could get reciprocated for your help when you need it too. Partners that give each other maximum attention tend to understand each other’s problems and know precisely when to step in to help.
The best relationships are the ones that are full of fun. No partner wants to be stuck with a boring person for the rest of their lives. It’s already bad that you’re going through challenges, getting to know and get used to each other’s flaws, but the fun makes it exciting.
So the type of fun could be chosen by the partners depending on their personality and what they’re happy doing most. Having fun together also allows couples to spend time together, get to know more about each other’s likes and dislikes, and laugh more.
Building trust between couples makes way for vulnerability from both sides. It takes time for some couples to get to a point where they can completely trust each other, but it happens with a snap of a finger for others. Even if it takes years or months to build, it's necessary to have a relationship built on trust.
It makes you relax, knowing everything is okay with your partner, with you around or not. Whether you're together or far away, you can still feel the connection, and the relationship can blossom without much stress with trust.
When a partner gives something up to make the other partner comfortable, that is a compromise. Relationships, where partners sacrifice to reach a point of agreement with each other, are healthy.
It comes to a time when both partners have different views, approaches, wishes, or opinions. That is where compromises come in. Even when one partner knows he/ she has the power to override the other, they should always try to be humble enough to understand each other.
Anger management is a vital dynamic for relationships. Of course, there are partners with short temper issues. Relationships are not only for partners to tolerate each other but also for them to improve their flaws. Anger management is necessary because it could lead to violence if not controlled, making a relationship unhealthy.
If one partner’s anger issues get out of control, both partners could try seeking help. It’s not an unsolvable issue; it needs patience. Many relationships end because one partner has a short temper, while others get successful because the two partners could manage it together.
All relationships that aim to be successful have a series of arguing sessions. It happens when both partners have different perspectives and disagree with each other’s points. Arguments are of types, but the ones that make relationships healthy are the meaningful ones where partners agree to disagree.
What this means is that they argue to learn and not to fight or display power. Partners can disagree on specific things as long as they don’t criticize or judge each other from the point of defensiveness or contempt. Arguments can be romantic in a weird way.
When you’re best friends with your partner in a relationship, you can relate to each other on the simplest level. Because you’re best of friends, you can be sincere with each other without fear of either of you misunderstanding the meaning of the talk.
You both can correct your mistakes, make suggestions, and tell each other when you’re silly without a negative response. When you’re best friends with your partner, there’s no play of power, who’s better off without the other, or why the other person would behave so bad in public for no reason.
Responsive partners have a warm and sensitive attitude towards their partner’s feelings. They care about their partners so much they want them to feel wanted, valued, and accepted. Responsiveness in relationships gradually molds partners beyond reasonable doubt and creates an unbreakable kind tie between them.
Partners like this see and know the kind of people they date and know exactly the steps to take or what to do when there’s an issue between them. Responsive partners don’t use force or power to get things done. They only encourage you.
Being comfortable in a relationship means you have a partner that is not demanding. It shows that you’re with someone who would not let you do anything beyond your power limits. Instead, he would encourage you to do the little you can with the energy you have while still moving forward.
Comfort is an assurance that you’re with the right partner and you have nothing to worry about when it comes to a healthy relationship. It makes you feel safe and relaxed.
Detachment is loving your partner and still giving them the free will to live everyday life. Partners who use power to control others don’t know this dynamic, so they tend to hold their partners and tell them how to live.
A detached partner would not emotionally blackmail you. Instead, they would give their partners freedom to make choices that would be good to them and the relationship without having impossible expectations.
Setting boundaries is a relationship dynamic that has to do with the two partners comfortably meeting each other's needs. Of course, there are sacrifices in a good relationship, but it becomes harmful when the two partners always have to inconvenience themselves to suit each other. It should come with a lot of happiness and willingness from each partner.
You should understand if you both can't help each other do something because of specific reasons without any quarrel or conflict. A good relationship has two partners who know and respect each other's boundaries without issues.
Consent mostly comes into play when you're sexually active. Giving consent means you and your partner approve, and you're okay with whatever happens between both of you. It proves that nobody is forced or guilted into doing anything they're not comfortable doing.
Consent given in the present doesn't cover the future, which means it could be given at the moment and taken back by any of the partners whenever he/she feels uncomfortable about it. A partner could be cool with a plan one minute and not okay with it the next moment, and it's still part of the rules of consent giving.
Successful relationships have partners that support each other emotionally, physically, financially, and otherwise. When it comes to dreams and aspirations in a relationship, partners should be able to give a helping hand to each other in any manner they’re both comfortable doing.
Support could be one partner assuring the other that everything would be fine and offering to help wherever they can. It should come in different ways and as often as possible to keep the relationship closely knitted.
As perfect as a relationship may seem, there would always be something to get on your nerves. It’s your reaction to those things that make your relationship succeed or not. Being patient tolerant with your partner is a dynamic that helps to handle specific challenges.
Sometimes, your partner would do annoying things or make decisions that will piss you off, but you should learn to tolerate him as often as possible, especially if it’s not a good time to talk. This happens in healthy relationships, too; it only depends on how tolerant or patient the other partner is. Patience and tolerance work better than using power.
Healthy relationships all have times when the partners involved have their personal space or time to reflect on themselves. They could both go out separately with their friends, business seminars, or personal development classes. Having personal space is a dynamic that helps partners appreciate one another whenever they’re not together.
Sometimes, couples that stay apart get to miss each other because of the little time they spend apart. It doesn’t mean one partner intentionally ignoring the other; it’s one partner giving the other some personal space to breathe while he also does his thing.
Physical attraction is a dynamic that makes relationships grow more robust. As little as it may be, this is one thing people look out for in partners. You should be attracted to the person you’re dating in a relationship for the longest time. It could be the hair, eyes, walking step, intonation, or sense of dressing. But something always attracts someone to his/ her partner.
This attraction is one of the things that keep a relationship going. So when other things fail, remember what you saw in him that made you fall head over heels.
The dynamics of a relationship is a pattern of growth, development, or changes relationships follow to determine how well they're going. It involves trust, honesty, communication, sacrifice, and other characteristics of a relationship, negative or positive, between a couple and how well they can handle their differences.
A relationship could change its dynamics when specific issues are recognized and solved at the right time. You acknowledge your bad habits and work towards improving them or working together to grow as a couple. You don't have to do important things to change relationship dynamics, and little thoughtful acts count too.
A bad relationship has many signs to exhibit, especially when the couple is not in sync or either of them gets drained emotionally. Furthermore, it’s a bad relationship when there's no communication of feelings, passive-aggressiveness when it comes to addressing issues, jokes that make a mockery of a partner, or unnecessary fear to address problems.
A loving relationship has two caring and understanding partners; there's emotional maturity to handle the most difficult situations. It's a relationship where couples feel safe to be with each other without fear of expressing feelings. And it's where there's laughter without limitations.
The kind of relationship that is full of love and trust is best. It also depends on the personality of the people involved together. For instance, a relationship between two music lovers would differ from the one between two music lovers. If their relationship goes precisely the way they both want, then that's best for them.
It’s easy to have a healthy relationship. All one needs to do is learn and use the right dynamics to make it work. Already 37 of the dynamics have been mentioned and can be helpful if used at the right time. If you like this article, don’t forget to drop a comment and share it with others.
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